
Quey Percussion Duo Composition Contest Results

20th Anniversary Edition
The 2023 Quey Percussion Duo Composition Contest closed with 143 entries, spanning 6 continents and 27 countries. We’re extremely excited to announce the following results:

First Place Winner
Confrontation by Mansoor Hosseini (Iran/Sweden)
Prize: $2,000 (US), publication with Bachovich Music Publications, performances and recording

Second Place Winner
Vibraimba by Andrei Petrache (Romania)
Prize: $500 (US), publication with Bachovich Music Publications, pending performances and recording

Honorable Mentions
Crystal Says by Sofía Rocha (United States)
“Miniature" No. 21 by Erik Valdemar Sköld (Sweden)
Prize: potential publication with Bachovich Music Publication, potential performances and recording

Announcement in PDF
click play to watch
"Jing Fling" by Gene Koshinski
Performed by Quey Percussion Duo
and members of the University of Delaware Percussion Ensemble:
Jacob Fullinwider, Kyle Skinner, Carl Tafoya, and Joe Tremper